Depois que eu fiquei online, no dia seguinte eu já tinha duas famílias no meu perfil mandando e-mail pra marcar entrevistas via skype, eu quase enlouqueci de nervoso. Ficava imaginando o que eu deveria perguntar e o que as famílias me perguntariam, quase pirei por 24 horas até a minha primeira entrevista. E quem nunca?

Conhecendo essa realidade, nem adianta eu dizer que você não vai surtar porque você vai (e muito), mas eu fiz esse post pra tentar ajudar assim como alguns blogs me ajudaram também. Qualquer coisa é só me chamar que a gente troca ideia, hein!?

Dicas antes de marcar uma entrevista com a Host Family
  • Estude! Vá no perfil da família, leia tudo, se não conseguir ler sozinha usa o google tradutor, leia sobre a família, sobre as crianças, leia tudo que tem escrito lá. Depois que ler e decidir se quer ou não fazer a entrevista com a família, responde o e-mail marcando ou dizendo que não tem interesse. Eu sempre marcava as entrevistas, mesmo que visse que não seria um bom match já pela revisada no perfil, marcava pra treinar o inglês mesmo;
  • Revisem os horários! Fiquem atentas aos horários. Sejam claros ou façam a HF ser clara se a entrevista está sendo marcada pro horário deles ou pro seu horário. Como você sabem, os horários variam de estado pra estado, então eu sempre mandava pras famílias “seu horário ou meu?” pra eu não confundir;
  • Garanta internet de qualidade e faça teste com o aplicativo que vai ser usado para e entrevista. Eu usei skype, whatsapp e facetime. Normalmente as HF usam skype, mas teste o que você vai usar para garantir que tá tudo funcionando direitinho;
Dicas para as entrevistas com a Host Family
  • Roupas e maquiagem discretas, por favorzinho!! Eu nem preciso dizer que é uma entrevista de emprego, né? Então, use roupas discretas e maquiagem discreta, só pra não ficar com cara de doente (mesmo que eu tenha ficado). Eu normamente só metia uma camisa fechada e penteava os cabelos, não passava nada na cara pois sempre estava sem tempo, irmão;
  • Caso você não entenda alguma pergunta, peça pra repetir ou pra falarem mais devagar. Se não adiantar, logo após a entrevista envie um e-mail com suas dúvidas, especialmente essas que você fingiu que entendeu.
  • Para a primeira entrevista, foque nas crianças, foque na família. Mostre que você está interessado neles e nos filhos deles. Pergunte sobre o schedule, sobre a profissão deles, sobre o que as crianças gostam de fazer, de comer, onde eles gostam de ir, o que você pode fazer com as crianças, pergunte sobre a saúde das crianças, se são alérgicos, se alguém tem algum problema de saúde. Deixe as perguntas sobre benefícios para a segunda entrevista em diante;
Perguntas para a Host Family

Eu pesquisei muito sobre o que perguntar para as HF, peguei um pouquinho de cada pesquisa que eu fiz e deixo aqui uma lista de perguntas que podem ser feitas pra você e perguntas que você pode fazer pra HF. Óbvio que você não precisa ensaiar uma por uma, algumas vão surgindo no calor da conversa, é só pra ter uma ideia.

AH! Em negrito estão as perguntas que eu lembro que me fizeram, não necessariamente só nas entrevistas, mas por e-mail também, espero que ajude! 🙂

Perguntas que podem fazer pra você
  • Tell me about your experience with kids.
  • Tell me what you like to do with children.
  • What can you do to entertain a child?
  • In your opinion, what are the main qualities we need to have as an Au Pair?
  • What do you think the family hopes for in an Au Pair?
  • Tell me about you: your interests, skills, what you enjoy doing in your free time and weekends.
  • What do you most like to do in your free time?
  • Talk about interesting courses you’ve done (not just relating to children), sports that you do or have done.
  • Why did you decide to be an Au Pair?
  • What do you expect to learn from this program?
  • Do you think the experience you have with children here will be different in the United States?
  • Are you graduated? What will you do when you return?
  • Tell me about your family, how is your relationship, if you have siblings… What do your parents do? Do you live together? Have you lived alone?
  • What are your responsibilities at home?
  • How long have you been driven? Are you afraid of driving in the United States?
  • How do you consider your English (basic, intermediate or advanced) and how long have you studied English?
  • Do you have piercing or tattoo? Do you wear make up every day?
  • Who is the most important person for you? Why?
  • What would you do if a friend decides to visit your city?
  • What kind of books do you like to read?
  • What country would you like to visit? Why? Give examples.
  • Which places would you like to go to the U.S.? Why?
  • Talk about something difficult that you’ve done and explained how you overcame it.
  • Tell me about something you’ve been afraid to do and why?
  • What would you do if a child does something that was not supposed to do and how will a child listen to your bits of advice?
  • What you would you do if a child gets angry, crying or kicking?
  • What can you do if siblings fight or cannot play well together?
  • What can you do if two children want your attention at the same time?
  • How can you help a child who cries when his mother leaves?
  • What kind of activities do you like to do with children?
  • How was the longest period you have spent away from your family and friends? 36) Do you think you will get sad or lonely while you are away from your family? What can you do about it?
  • What do your parents think about your decision to become an au pair? Do you think they will visit you while you are in the U.S.? How do you plan to keep in touch with them?
  • Do your parents have any rules that you must have to follow in your house? Do you let your parents to know where you are going and what time you are coming back? Do you have to be home by a certain time at night? How do you feel about house rules?
  • Who is responsible for things like cooking, cleaning and doing laundry in your house? How much do your parents expect from you to help? How much do you help?
  • Describe your town or city. What do you like or dislike about it?
  • Are you neat or messy? How would you feel living with someone who is neat or messy?
  • Describe the kind of relationship that you have with your parents and sibling. What activities do you do together as a family? What is your favorite thing to do together?
  • What is the best memory that you have from your family?
  • What is your favorite meal? What kinds of foods do you usually eat? Is there any kind of foods that you cannot eat? Are you a vegetarian? Do you follow a diet?
  • What things would you like to do while you are in the U.S.? Do you have any hobbies or activities that you would like to continue doing while in the U.S.? Are there any new activities that you would like to do?
  • What kind of curse would you like to take while you are in the U.S.?
  • How long have you been driving? How often do you drive? What kind of roads do you normally drive on? Have you ever driven on a highway? What kind of vehicle do you drive? 
  • How would you feel about driving the children?
  • What are you going to do in the U.S.?
  • Have you ever travel abroad?
Perguntas para fazer para a Host Family
Sobre as crianças
  • How many children are there?
  • How old are they?
  • What do they like to do?
  • When are their birthdays?
  • Is he/she potty trained? (em casos de kids entre 2 e 3 anos)
  • Is he/she already walking and talking? (em casos de kids pequenas)
  • What do they usually eat?
  • What do you want me to do with them?
  • What are their favorite toys and games?
  • How do they go to school? Am I going to drive them?
  • Do they have any allergy?
  • Are they allowed to watch TV?
  • Am I supposed to cook dinner?
  • Are they calm or energetic kids?
  • What activities do you expect me to do with the children?
  • How do you discipline your kids?
  • How do they feel about having an au pair taking care of them?
  • Do you allow they to go to playdates?
  • Do the kids have chores?
Perguntas sobre os pais
  • Where do you work and what do you do?
  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • Do you have family members living nearby?
  • Do you travel a lot? If Yes, where do you go? Would I have to go, too?
  • Do you live in a house or apart.?
  • Have you ever traveled to other countries? Did you like it?
  • Do you know anything about my country?
  • Have you lived abroad? If so, how hard was that for you?
  • Why are you hosting an au pair?
  • What qualities do you think your au pair should have?
  • Have you ever had an au pair before? What do you mind if I talk to her or send her an e-mail? Why did she go home? How was her relationship with your kids?
Perguntas sobre a cidade
  • How is your city?
  • Is it a small town?
  • What are the other cities nearby?
  • Is there any gym close to the house?
  • Are there many au pairs in the area?
  • How is the weather there?
  • What things are there to do with children?

Bom, é isto. Eu peguei essas perguntas de blogs na internet e elas me ajudaram bastante na hora das minhas entrevistas. Eu sei que é difícil, mas tentem relaxar e não forcem entrevistas com famílias que vocês não se sentiram confortáveis.